The Millennium Cohort team has produced approximately 200 conference presentations and posters since 2001, and has received multiple research awards at notable public health conferences.

Title | Authors | Conference/Date/Location |
Sexual trauma and adverse health and military occupational outcomes among women serving in the US military | Millegan J | Navy-Wide Research Competition. 22 May 2014, Portsmouth, VA |
Combat Experiences and Suicide Attempts in a Large US Military Cohort | LeardMann C, Matsuno R, Boyko E, Bell M, Bell A, Hoge C, Powell T, Faix D, for the Millennium Cohort Study Team | Military Health System Research Symposium 21-23 August 2018; Kissimmee, FL |
Proximity to Documented Open-Air Burn Pits and Long-Term Respiratory Health Among Deployed Military Personnel | Rull R, Powell T, Nieh C, Matsuno R, Phillips C, Gackstetter G, Hooper T, Faix D | Military Health System Research Symposium 21-23 August 2018; Kissimmee, FL |
Hypertension in Military Veterans Is Associated With Combat Exposure and Injury | Howard J, Armenta R, Stewart I, Kolaja C, Sosnov J, Rull R, Janak J, Walker L, Trone D | Military Health System Research Symposium 21-23 August 2018; Kissimmee, FL |
Update on the Millennium Cohort Study | Smith TC, for the Millennium Cohort Study Team | Annual Meeting of the Society of Medical Consultants to the Armed Forces 21 Oct 2007, Bethesda, MD |
Newly-reported hypertension among US military Millennium Cohort members deployed with combat exposures in support of OIF/OEF | Granado N, Smith T, Swanson M, Harris R, Shahar E, Smith B, Boyko E, Wells T, for the Millennium Cohort Study Team | 48th Navy and Marine Corps Public Health Conference 20-26 Mar 2009, Hampton, VA |
The Millennium Cohort Study: a 21-year longitudinal contribution to the understanding of military health | Jacobson I, Welch K, Farnell L, LeardMann C, Wong C, Smith B, Smith T, for the Millennium Cohort Study Team | 48th Navy and Marine Corps Public Health Conference 20-26 Mar 2009, Hampton, VA |
Posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms and associated physical activity | Kelton M, LeardMann C, Smith B, Boyko E, Wells T, Littman A, Smith T, for the Millennium Cohort Study Team | 48th Navy and Marine Corps Public Health Conference 20-26 Mar 2009, Hampton, VA |
Self-reported mental health among US military personnel, prior and subsequent to the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 | Smith TC, Smith B, Corbeil TE, Riddle JR, Ryan MAK, for the Millennium Cohort Study Team | 43rd Navy Occupational Health and Preventive Medicine Workshop 20-26 Mar 2004, Chesapeake, VA |
The Millennium Cohort Study | Gumbs GR, Clark S, Corbeil TE, Hume S, Jackson S, Martin N, Reed RJ, Smith B, Smith TC, Spiegle S, Wells TS, Whitmer J, Young S, Ryan MAK, for the Millennium Cohort Study Team | 43rd Navy Occupational and Preventive Medicine Workshop 20-26 Mar 2004, Chesapeake, VA |
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