The Millennium Cohort team has produced approximately 200 conference presentations and posters since 2001, and has received multiple research awards at notable public health conferences.

Title | Authors | Conference/Date/Location |
Physical activity after separation from the military: how much do veterans do and who stays active | Jacobson I, Littman A, Boyko E, Smith T, for the Millennium Cohort Study Team | 12th Annual Force Health Protection Conference 14-21 August 2009, Albuquerque, NM |
Is mental health associated with newly self-reported diabetes in US military participants of the Millennium Cohort Study | Jacobson I, Boyko E, Smith B, Smith T, Hooper T, Amoroso P, Gackstetter G, Barrett-Connor E, for the Millennium Cohort Study Team | 12th Annual Force Health Protection Conference 14-21 August 2009, Albuquerque, NM |
Is supplement use associated with deployment experience and physical activity in a large military cohort | Horton J, Jacobson I, Smith B, Ryan M, Boyko E, Wells T, Smith T, for the Millennium Cohort Study Team | 12th Annual Force Health Protection Conference 14-21 August 2009, Albuquerque, NM |
Mental health care needs and utilization among US active duty Millennium Cohort Study participants reporting symptoms for posttraumatic stress and other mental health disorders | Granado N, Smith T, Smith B, Ryan M, Boyko E, Jones K, Koffman R, for the Millennium Cohort Study Team | 12th Annual Force Health Protection Conference 14-21 August 2009, Albuquerque, NM |
The Millennium Cohort Family Study: understanding the relationship between military service and family functioning | Farnell L, Welch K, LeardMann C, Jacobson I, Granado N, Jones K, Smith B, Fairbank J, Marmar C, Schlenger W, Smith T, for the Millennium Cohort Study Team | 12th Annual Force Health Protection Conference 14-21 August 2009, Albuquerque, NM |
Methods for mail cost control in a mass mailed survey instrument | Whitmer J, for the Millennium Cohort Study Team | 42nd Navy Occupational Health and Preventive Medicine Workshop 14-22 Mar 2002, Chesapeake, VA |
Racial, ethnic, and sex disparities in cardiovascular risk factors and mental health among service members and veterans in the Millennium Cohort Study | Sharifian, N., Castañeda, S.F., Roesch, S., Kolaja, C.A., Carey, F.R., LeardMann, C.A., Carlton, K.N., Seay, J.S., Rull, R.P. | Military Health System Research Symposium 15 August 2023; Kissimmee, FL |
Self-Reported Single and Repeated High-Level Blast Exposure, Occupational Risk of Low-Level Blast, and PTSD: A Millennium Cohort Study Investigation | Belding, JN., Kolaja, C.A., Rull, R.P., & Trone, D. | Military Health System Research Symposium 15 August, 2023; Kissimmee, FL |
Risk factors and comorbidities for eating disorders among military service members and their spouses | Jacobson, I.G., Sharifian, N., McMaster, H.S., Ray, T.N., Geronimo-Hara, T.R., Esquivel, A., Klimek-Johnson, P., Mehlman, H., Rull, R.P. | Military Health System Research Symposium 15 August, 2023; Kissimmee, FL |
Survey Response Over 15 Years of Follow-up in the Millennium Cohort Study | Kolaja, C.A., Belding, J.N., Boparai, S., Castaneda, S. F., Geronimo-Hara, T. R., Powell, T., Tu, X., Walstrom, J., Sheppard, B., & Rull, R. P. | Military Health System Research Symposium 15 August, 2023; Kissimmee, FL |
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