The Millennium Cohort team has produced approximately 200 conference presentations and posters since 2001, and has received multiple research awards at notable public health conferences.

Title | Authors | Conference/Date/Location |
Sexual Violence in the Military | Rivera A, LeardMann C, Seelig A, Millegan J, for the Millennium Cohort Study Team | NHRC Sexual Assault Awareness Prevention Month Event. 27 April 2017; San Diego, CA |
Sexual trauma and adverse health and military occupational outcomes among women serving in the US military | Millegan J | Navy-Wide Research Competition. 22 May 2014, Portsmouth, VA |
Sexual trauma and adverse health and military occupational outcomes among women serving in the US military | Millegan J | Navy Medicine West Academic Research Competition. 3-7 May 2014, New York, NY |
Sexual trauma and adverse health and military occupational outcomes among women serving in the US military | Millegan J | Military Health System Research Symposium. 18-21 Aug 2014, Fort Lauderdale, FL |
Sexual trauma among U.S. military women: Prevalence, risk factors, and outcome | LeardMann C, Millegan J, Magruder K | American Psychiatric Association's 167th Annual Meeting. 3-7 May 2014, New York, NY |
Sexual Health: Impact of Combat and Mental Health | Kolaja K, LeardMann C, Roenfeldt K, Armenta R, Stander V, Orman J, Schuyler A | American Public Health Association Annual Meeting 10-14 November 2018; San Diego, CA |
Sexual health difficulties associated with adverse occupational outcomes among US service members: Findings from the Millennium Cohort Study | Harbertson J, Kolaja CA, Stander VA, Woodall KA, Helms C, LeardMann CA | 2024 MHSRS 24-26 August 2024; Kissimmee, FL |
Sexual and physical victimization among lesbian, gay, and bisexual individuals in a large military cohort | Peretti JM, Carey FR, Corliss HL | San Diego Epidemiology Research Exchange 12 April 2024; San Diego, CA |
Sexual and physical victimization among lesbian, gay, and bisexual individuals in a large military cohort | Peretti JM, Carey FR, Corliss HL | International Society Traumatic Stress Symposium (ISTSS) 25-28 September 2024; Boston, MA |
Self-Reported Single and Repeated High-Level Blast Exposure, Occupational Risk of Low-Level Blast, and PTSD: A Millennium Cohort Study Investigation | Belding, JN., Kolaja, C.A., Rull, R.P., & Trone, D. | Military Health System Research Symposium 15 August, 2023; Kissimmee, FL |
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