The Millennium Cohort team has produced approximately 200 conference presentations and posters since 2001, and has received multiple research awards at notable public health conferences.

Title | Authors | Conference/Date/Location |
The Millennium Cohort Study | Young S, Ryan MAK, for the Millennium Cohort Study Team | Human Factors and Medicine Panel Symposium on NATO Medical Surveillance and Response: Research and Technology Opportunities and Options HFM-108/SY-013, 19-21 Apr 2004, Budapest, Hungary |
The Department of Defense Millennium Cohort Study | Riddle JR, for the Millennium Cohort Study Team | Presented at the University of Arizona Graduate School of Public Health February 2005, Tuscan, AZ |
The Millennium Cohort Study: a 21-year contribution to the understanding of military and veteran health | Ryan M, Welch K, Farnell L, LeardMann C, Jacobson I, Wong C, Smith B, Smith T, for the Millennium Cohort Study Team | The Association of Military Surgeons of the United States 114th Annual Meeting 9-14 November 2008, San Antonio, TX |
Newly reported respiratory symptoms and conditions in military service members deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan | Ryan M, Smith B, Wong C, Smith T, Boyko E, Gackstetter G, for the Millennium Cohort Study Team | The Association of Military Surgeons of the United States 114th Annual Meeting 9-14 November 2008, San Antonio, TX |
Depression is prospectively associated with combat deployment in support of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan | Wells T, LeardMann C, Fortuna S, Smith B, Smith T, Ryan M, Boyko E, Blazer D, for the Millennium Cohort Study Team | The Association of Military Surgeons of the United States 114th Annual Meeting 9-14 November 2008, San Antonio, TX |
Prospectively assessed posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms and associated physical activity levels | Boyko E, LeardMann C, Kelton M, Smith B, Wells T, Littman A, Smith T, for the Millennium Cohort Study Team | The Association of Military Surgeons of the United States 114th Annual Meeting 9-14 November 2008, San Antonio, TX |
The Millennium Cohort Study: overview of a DoD and VA collaborative research project | Boyko E, Wells T, Ryan M, for the Millennium Cohort Study Team | The Association of Military Surgeons of the United States 114th Annual Meeting 9-14 November 2008, San Antonio, TX |
The Millennium Cohort Study | Rull R | American Legion Veterans Employment and Education Commission, American Legion Washington Conference 9 March 2020; Washington, DC |
Longitudinal examination of military-specific factors affecting sleep quantity and quality among U.S. service members | Cooper A, Markwald R, Kolaja C, Jacobson I, Chinoy E | Sleep 8-12 June 2019; San Antonio, TX |
Prior health as a determinant to enrollment in a twenty-one year prospective study: the Millennium Cohort Study | Wells TS, Jacobson IG, Spooner CN, Smith TC, Smith B, Reed RJ, Amoroso PJ, Ryan MAK, for the Millennium Cohort Study Team | 9th Annual Force Health Protection Conference 8-11 Aug 2006, Albuquerque, NM |
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