The Millennium Cohort team has produced approximately 200 conference presentations and posters since 2001, and has received multiple research awards at notable public health conferences.

Title | Authors | Conference/Date/Location |
Posttraumatic stress disorder and cardiovascular disease: a prospective evaluation | Bagnell M, Granado N, Boyko E, Smith B, Ulmer C, Smith T, for the Millennium Cohort Study Team | 13th Annual Force Health Protection Conference 7-13 August 2010, Phoenix, AZ |
The Millennium Cohort Study: A 21-year contribution to the understanding of military health | Sausedo K, McGrew J, LeardMann C, Jacobson I, Granado N, Smith B, Smith T, for the Millennium Cohort Study Team | 13th Annual Force Health Protection Conference 7-13 August 2010, Phoenix, AZ |
Voice of the military family: Using survey methodology to understand the impact of military service on family health and well-being | McMaster M, Sausedo K, LeardMann C, Jacobson I, Granado N, Smith B, Sheppard B, Fairbank J, Marmar C, Schlenger W, Smith T, for the Millennium Cohort Study Team | 13th Annual Force Health Protection Conference 7-13 August 2010, Phoenix, AZ |
When epidemiology meets the Internet: Web-based surveys | Smith B, Smith TC, Corbeil TE, Gray GC, Ryan MAK, for the Millennium Cohort Study Team | 8th Force Health Protection Conference 7-13 Aug 2005, Louisville, KY |
Prevalence of mental health morbidity in the US military: the baseline mental health of the Millennium Cohort | Riddle JR, Smith TC, Smith B, Corbeil TE, Engel CC, Wells TS, Hoge C, Adkins J, Zamorski M, Blazer DG, for the Millennium Cohort Study Team | 8th Force Health Protection Conference 7-13 Aug 2005, Louisville, KY |
The Millennium Cohort Study: enrollment in a 21-year contribution to the understanding of military health | Gackstetter GD, Ryan MAK, Amoroso PJ, Boyko EJ, Gray GC, Hooper TI, Riddle JR, for the Millennium Cohort Study Team | 8th Force Health Protection Conference 7-13 Aug 2005, Louisville, KY |
Prospective investigation of the interrelation of new and persistent mental health symptoms and coping behaviors in a large military cohort | Smith T, Wells T, Jacobson I, Smith B, LeardMann C, Hoge C, Blazer D, Boyko E, Ryan M, for the Millennium Cohort Study Team | 137th American Public Health Association Annual Meeting & Exposition 7-11 November 2009, Philadelphia, PA |
Risk factors for incident diabetes in US military participants of the Millennium Cohort Study | Smith B, Boyko E, Jacobson I, Smith T, Hooper T, Amoroso P, Gackstetter G, Ryan M Barrett-Connor E, for the Millennium Cohort Study Team | 137th American Public Health Association Annual Meeting & Exposition 7-11 November 2009, Philadelphia, PA |
Posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms and associated physical activity levels among US service members | Smith B, Kelton M, LeardMann C, Boyko E, Wells T, Littman A, Smith T, for the Millennium Cohort Study Team | 137th American Public Health Association Annual Meeting & Exposition 7-11 November 2009, Philadelphia, PA |
Are service members deployed in support of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan more likely to have sleep problems after deployment? | Seelig A, Jacobson I, Smith B, Hooper T, Boyko E, Gackstetter G, Gehrman P, Macera C, Smith T, for the Millennium Cohort Study Team | 137th American Public Health Association Annual Meeting & Exposition 7-11 November 2009, Philadelphia, PA |
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