
The following manuscripts have been published or are currently in press. Listings are in chronological order, unless otherwise noted.

Research Publication 2
Title Publication Date/Location
Prevalence and predictors of insomnia and sleep medication use in a large tri-service U.S. military sample Sleep Health 2021 Dec;7(6):675-682

Markwald RR, Carey FR, Kolaja CA, Jacobson IG, Cooper AD, Chinoy ED

Several deployment-related characteristics were significantly associated with the development of insomnia and/or newly-reported sleep medication use, and more than half of the sample with insomnia reported using sleep medication, indicating a high rate of medicating for insomnia. These findings may indicate an underlying systematic issue related to the inability to obtain adequate sleep in military personnel

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Hypertension in Military Veterans Is Associated With Combat Exposure and Combat Injury Journal of Hypertension 2020 Jul;38(7):1293-1301

Howard JT, Stewart IJ, Kolaja C, Sosnov JA, Rull R, Torres I, Janak JC, Walker LE, Trone DW, Armenta RF

This study examined the association between combat injury and incident hypertension. We found that those who were injured during combat were more likely to develop hypertension. Further, inadequate sleep, having PTSD, and being overweight or obese were associated with developing hypertension. Results highlight the importance of hypertension prevention among those who are injured during their time in service.

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Longitudinal Investigation of Military-Specific Factors Associated with Continued Unhealthy Alcohol Use Among a Large US Military Cohort Journal of Addiction Medicine 2020 Jul-Aug; 14(4): e53–e63

Jacobson IG, Williams EC, Seelig AD, Littman AJ, Maynard CC, Bricker JB, Rull RR, Boyko EJ, for the Millennium Cohort Study Team

This study examined military-specific risk factors for continued unhealthy alcohol use (e.g. heavy weekly, heavy episodic, and problem drinking) among service members screening positive on two consecutive surveys. Service members in the Reserve/Guard (compared with Active Duty) and those who separated from military service during follow-up (compared with those remaining on active service) had an elevated risk for continuing unhealthy drinking across all three dimensions of unhealthy alcohol use.

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Report to the Committees on Armed Services of the Senate and House of Representatives. (July 2020). Section 748 of the National Defense Authorization Actfor Fiscal Year 2020 (Public Law 116-92)Initial Report on Millennium Cohort Study Relating to Women of the Armed Forces

This report is in response to the section 748 of the National Defense Authorization Act (NOAA) for Fiscal Year (FY) 2020 (Public Law 116-92) requirement for the Secretary of Defense to submit a report on "Millennium Cohort Study Relating to Women Members of the Armed Forces" to the Committees on Armed Services of the Senate and the House of Representatives, within 180 days of enactment and annual reports thereafter through January 31, 2022. This initial report describes findings of the Millennium Cohort Study relating to the gynecological and perinatal health of women members of the Armed Forces

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